Batik Art and Identity Between The State

Batik is indigenous cultural heritage of Indonesia, such as UNESCO's recognition of the United Nations agency. Official Inauguration of Indonesia batik as the original culture was recorded on October 2, 2009, this is satisfactory because the Indonesian people previously had to be warmed up controversy. Earlier claims that the Malaysian batik is a result of their national culture. 

Certainty of batik as indigenous cultures of Indonesia Indonesian government strengthened the determination to establish 2 October as the Day of National Batik.
Indonesia as a nation we are proud of this state, finally batik dress not only as art, but also as a national identity. Actually the trip as a copyright batik culture is sufficiently long journey. 

Batik Cultural Symbols Nobility 
According to the letters is important relics of the ancient kingdom of Mataram, batik was formerly a symbol of nobility, because it is allowed to wear batik are the nobles of the kingdom. Along with the development of batik era eventually be imposed by all levels of society as it is today. 

Researchers believe early international batik batik-use tool first introduced in the 1700s. In the 1800's there was authentic evidence is recorded in an old photograph that Sultan Hamengkubuwono II, King of Mataram and Sir Stamford Raffles who was then serving as British Governor of Java Lieutnant photographed wearing a batik motif broken machete. This batik motif at that time should only be worn by the nobility.

Why It's Called Cultural Heritage Traditional Batik 
According to the literature that can be trusted, batik combination of two words derived from Javanese language, namely the word 'Amba' which means 'Writing' and the word 'point' which means 'point'. Of syllables Amba and this is the end point of a syllable or Batik Ambatik full of artistic value. Actually if we consider the literal meaning of batik can we interpret the pattern making techniques on fabric. 

Making batik cloth in principle is the manufacture of fabric by using wax-resist dyeing technique or fabric staining technique using a 'night' is a kind of wax to limit in certain parts of fabric dyeing. Ethnic cultures such as Egypt, China, Japan, India, Africa, was also already familiar with this technique in the manufacture of cloth. But there is evidence that batik culture has long been known and grown in Indonesia, especially Java, is the style of temples scattered in Indonesia wearing patterned batik motif. 

With the passage of time and all the twists its development, batik is now very familiar to all walks of life. Even countries outside mengidentikan Indonesian batik is, they are very fond of all the batik style of our country. Even some pride when they wear batik and feel the Indonesiaan. Almost all shopping malls in Indonesia in general and especially in big cities there are stores batik. As in when the writer visited coverage in south Jakarta Cilandak Town Square, there was room for Indonesia handicraft emporium run by the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs and Trade of Galeria Jakarta DKI Jakarta. 

Batik traded there with a chance of the visitor market that many foreign nationals residing area of ​​South Jakarta. Motif that is also very varied, from traditional motifs such as motif asih Sido, Sido motive mukti, butterfly motif, and others. While the motive that has undergone a change of grip is like a lotus flower motif, motif phoenix, a dragon motif. And in terms of basic color pattern is also very diverse kind. Not fixed on the basis of the color brown, but colors like red, yellow, purple also decorate the sheets of batik cloth with a frame model of contemporary fashion apparel. So batik look has evolved from traditional impression and cultural nuances to be condensed modern image. 

"Friday is the day batik office?" It is the opinion of the author and the perception of reality that is around the world of office activity. Familiar we are witnessing every Friday nearly all the workers in the Jakarta office wearing a batik fashion with various shades. I'm sure not everyone knew or style batik motif worn, let alone understand the meaning of each batik style, or do not even care about all that, the important wear batik clothes and relaxed with "informal" is. And certainly feel proud of the costumes typical "Indonesia" was. 

With the fact that batik "is back" into everyday life and generally worn by some many people from various social strata, is an important moment and a golden opportunity to actually maintain and develop and preserve batik as the nation's cultural assets.With support from the governments and people in the business is not closed the opportunity to explore the potential value of the type of goods classified as commodities, this handicraft. Very many batik production centers in Indonesia and almost all regions have a style called batik cloth with a characteristic that is different. 

For example in Java batik industrial center located in Solo, Yogyakarta, Surakarta, Rembang, Pekalongan, Cirebon, Bandung, Banyumas, and other areas. No exception even have a batik Banten, but for some people it may sound a bit strange because all this is known by audiences is identical to the Javanese batik. Banten batik area contained in Cipocok Jaya, Serang Banten. Typical characteristics are batik motif datulaya Bantam. Datulaya batik motif has the basic characteristics of a rhombus-shaped flowers and circles in figura leaf tendrils. Basic motif of blue color, motif variation in leaf tendrils figura gray, yellow at the base cloth. Motif datulaya meaningful place to live Prince. Both the colors and motifs taken from the environmental studies that nuance Islamic sultanate of Banten. 

Batik also has menghiasai place clothing stores such as modern shopping malls in major cities, including Mal CBD, Tangerang, Tangerang City. In one counter sales of batik in the ground floor of the shopping center, batik traded at a price that is quite affordable, ranging from Rp. 35.000, - per dress until the berbanderol hundreds of thousands and the motive was very varied. With all about batik, if you are entrepreneurial and proud of one type of native craft its own nation, it is not enclosed with the opportunity to gain entrepreneurial trade batik cloth or clothing.

By Pang Budito 

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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Batik Art and Identity Between The State

Batik is indigenous cultural heritage of Indonesia, such as UNESCO's recognition of the United Nations agency. Official Inauguration of Indonesia batik as the original culture was recorded on October 2, 2009, this is satisfactory because the Indonesian people previously had to be warmed up controversy. Earlier claims that the Malaysian batik is a result of their national culture. 

Certainty of batik as indigenous cultures of Indonesia Indonesian government strengthened the determination to establish 2 October as the Day of National Batik.
Indonesia as a nation we are proud of this state, finally batik dress not only as art, but also as a national identity. Actually the trip as a copyright batik culture is sufficiently long journey. 

Batik Cultural Symbols Nobility 
According to the letters is important relics of the ancient kingdom of Mataram, batik was formerly a symbol of nobility, because it is allowed to wear batik are the nobles of the kingdom. Along with the development of batik era eventually be imposed by all levels of society as it is today. 

Researchers believe early international batik batik-use tool first introduced in the 1700s. In the 1800's there was authentic evidence is recorded in an old photograph that Sultan Hamengkubuwono II, King of Mataram and Sir Stamford Raffles who was then serving as British Governor of Java Lieutnant photographed wearing a batik motif broken machete. This batik motif at that time should only be worn by the nobility.

Why It's Called Cultural Heritage Traditional Batik 
According to the literature that can be trusted, batik combination of two words derived from Javanese language, namely the word 'Amba' which means 'Writing' and the word 'point' which means 'point'. Of syllables Amba and this is the end point of a syllable or Batik Ambatik full of artistic value. Actually if we consider the literal meaning of batik can we interpret the pattern making techniques on fabric. 

Making batik cloth in principle is the manufacture of fabric by using wax-resist dyeing technique or fabric staining technique using a 'night' is a kind of wax to limit in certain parts of fabric dyeing. Ethnic cultures such as Egypt, China, Japan, India, Africa, was also already familiar with this technique in the manufacture of cloth. But there is evidence that batik culture has long been known and grown in Indonesia, especially Java, is the style of temples scattered in Indonesia wearing patterned batik motif. 

With the passage of time and all the twists its development, batik is now very familiar to all walks of life. Even countries outside mengidentikan Indonesian batik is, they are very fond of all the batik style of our country. Even some pride when they wear batik and feel the Indonesiaan. Almost all shopping malls in Indonesia in general and especially in big cities there are stores batik. As in when the writer visited coverage in south Jakarta Cilandak Town Square, there was room for Indonesia handicraft emporium run by the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs and Trade of Galeria Jakarta DKI Jakarta. 

Batik traded there with a chance of the visitor market that many foreign nationals residing area of ​​South Jakarta. Motif that is also very varied, from traditional motifs such as motif asih Sido, Sido motive mukti, butterfly motif, and others. While the motive that has undergone a change of grip is like a lotus flower motif, motif phoenix, a dragon motif. And in terms of basic color pattern is also very diverse kind. Not fixed on the basis of the color brown, but colors like red, yellow, purple also decorate the sheets of batik cloth with a frame model of contemporary fashion apparel. So batik look has evolved from traditional impression and cultural nuances to be condensed modern image. 

"Friday is the day batik office?" It is the opinion of the author and the perception of reality that is around the world of office activity. Familiar we are witnessing every Friday nearly all the workers in the Jakarta office wearing a batik fashion with various shades. I'm sure not everyone knew or style batik motif worn, let alone understand the meaning of each batik style, or do not even care about all that, the important wear batik clothes and relaxed with "informal" is. And certainly feel proud of the costumes typical "Indonesia" was. 

With the fact that batik "is back" into everyday life and generally worn by some many people from various social strata, is an important moment and a golden opportunity to actually maintain and develop and preserve batik as the nation's cultural assets.With support from the governments and people in the business is not closed the opportunity to explore the potential value of the type of goods classified as commodities, this handicraft. Very many batik production centers in Indonesia and almost all regions have a style called batik cloth with a characteristic that is different. 

For example in Java batik industrial center located in Solo, Yogyakarta, Surakarta, Rembang, Pekalongan, Cirebon, Bandung, Banyumas, and other areas. No exception even have a batik Banten, but for some people it may sound a bit strange because all this is known by audiences is identical to the Javanese batik. Banten batik area contained in Cipocok Jaya, Serang Banten. Typical characteristics are batik motif datulaya Bantam. Datulaya batik motif has the basic characteristics of a rhombus-shaped flowers and circles in figura leaf tendrils. Basic motif of blue color, motif variation in leaf tendrils figura gray, yellow at the base cloth. Motif datulaya meaningful place to live Prince. Both the colors and motifs taken from the environmental studies that nuance Islamic sultanate of Banten. 

Batik also has menghiasai place clothing stores such as modern shopping malls in major cities, including Mal CBD, Tangerang, Tangerang City. In one counter sales of batik in the ground floor of the shopping center, batik traded at a price that is quite affordable, ranging from Rp. 35.000, - per dress until the berbanderol hundreds of thousands and the motive was very varied. With all about batik, if you are entrepreneurial and proud of one type of native craft its own nation, it is not enclosed with the opportunity to gain entrepreneurial trade batik cloth or clothing.

By Pang Budito 

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