Tortured For Chikungunya

The last few years chikungunya disease outbreak in different regions Indonesia, both urban and rural areas. Society has begun to recognize this disease especially for those who follow health information and through various media. But for rural communities still difficult to access information from the news media sometimes cause disease fear.
The role of government at the very bottom is necessary for the socialization
about the type of the disease. Addressing the situation of rural communities families who are affected by symptoms or have been hit by chikungunya disease with the attitude of confusion and some even consider non-medical diseasethis is because they have never seen someone affected by circumstanceschikungunya disease earlier.

Chikungunya is caused by the chikungunya virus: the group alphaviruses Viru
Group A / antropho borne viruses. Different with dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) which
caused by group B antropho borne viruses. Between Dengue and Chikungunya both
the same is caused by the bite of Aedes mosquitoes and the incubation period orAegypty
development of virus for 1-12 days but that often occurs 2-4 days.

Symptoms that can be seen such as fever, joint pain, muscle pain, spotting
redness, headache, seizures, enlarged lymph nodes section
neck. Treatment that is definitely not yet been found, the main step is
bring patients to health workers (community health center / hospital).

But chikungunya have been isolated in various regions of Indonesia.
A very effective step for prevention is to clean each
mosquito breeding environment of residence such as homes, schools, places
worship, public places / terminals, markets. From these places the causes and
growing spread of chikungunya.

(pang budito - from various sources)

Pang Budito Saturday, December 18, 2010
Global Warming’s Subtle Changes

Global warming may not have much effect on those in the U.S. Midwest, but others may find it very difficult to “Just adjust”.

These are not great pictures, but I was not planning to write an article when I took them the day before Thanksgiving this year. But, they have a message. One shows our redbud tree that budded into green leaves as if it were Spring after going dormant for the year. The pear tree still had pears and green leaves not yet bitten by frost. They reminded me of my family’s Thanksgiving photo taken in front of my dad’s apple tree in1998. We were all in shirtsleeves and the apple tree still had green leaves, as it had not yet frosted that year. My father, then 88, said that never in his memory had a frost been so late. It turned out that 1998 was one of the hottest years on record but this year may set a new record. It is interesting that two of the latest frosts in our area in almost a century have occurred after Thanksgiving – and in the past 12 years.
Other subtle changes have taken place in my lifetime. We used to be in gardening zone six but we are now in zone seven. That means we are now having warmer winters, later frosts, and earlier warm-ups in the spring. Several times our fruit trees bloomed during a false spring in February only to have the blossoms nipped by a later freeze. We have a longer growing season which sounds good. That also means a longer season for insects and pests and they have shown up in greater abundance. Our gardening is a hobby so it is not a serious matter if we lose a crop to early freezes or pests. We recently have had record rainfall in the spring and three years ago the ground was wet for so long it drowned some of our fruit trees. But, we are now experiencing dryer weather in late summer and early fall – and the redbud tree in the picture had its leaves turn brown by September from dry weather. Scientists cannot predict the weather but only that the warming Earth will cause weather to become more extreme – and we seem to be observing that.

The signs of a warming Earth are sometimes subtle and it is rather hard to tell if that is the cause of changes we see. Biologists are telling us that some species are extending their range to the North. We now have fire ants and armadillos which were not around when I was growing up. I recently found some Kudzu growing over at the lake and some along a fence near my house. Kudzu is an invasive plant that chokes out other vegetation and kills trees; it thrives in higher CO2 levels and warmer temperatures. I certainly hope it doesn’t get started here. And sadly, the quail which were plentiful during my childhood have disappeared from the hills and fields in this area. Some say foraging armadillos are responsible by destroying their nests, but no one really knows for sure. I’m not sure the quail’s disappearance had anything to do with global warming but they have come to symbolize for me that subtle changes are taking place. It’s sad that good things may change and my grandchildren may never be aware of the things that are gone.
There is sound scientific evidence that the Earth is warming and those who long denied the evidence have now shifted their message, saying we should “just adjust”. I’m not sure what that means, but those of us who live in the Midwestern United States will probably be able to do so. It may be more difficult for other people in the world. The people of Kashmir are concerned that the glaciers that feed their streams in the summer are receding – making less water available. The Sherpa of Tibet are worried that their villages may be flooded by lakes that now form each summer from melting glaciers . The lakes are held back by ice dams and, if a dam breaks, it will be a catastrophe for their villages. The Inuit in the Arctic are having to move their coastal villages to keep them from being eroded away by wave action of open seas which were year round ice before. Their inland villages are threatened as well as the permafrost upon which some were built now becomes a quagmire in the summer. Telling the people whose lives will be changed forever by global warming to “just adjust” seems a little hollow.
(C) 2010 J.C. moore

Pang Budito
How to Make a Life in Harmony

In the side of our lives consist of many parts. One part is in ourselves, while other parts are in the environment we are. Both sides can not be separated from each other, because if it is done will create imbalance in our lives.

One side in us there are so many elements, including elements of solids and liquids.The element of solid objects can be composed of the consumption of foods that are solid like bread, rice, and the like. While that set ourselves from the liquid element consists of beverages we drink. And of the two elements that will form another element in our body that is the nature of heat and gas. This is when we telisik of the physical side.

Pang Budito Wednesday, December 15, 2010
What is Quran (koran)? Facts About Quran

Apa Quran - Fakta tentang Quran

* Quran dieja sebagai Al-Qur'an, Al Quran dan umumnya sebagai Quran.

* Quran adalah Kitab Suci yang mulia dan agama Islam.

* Muslim percaya pada Quran sebagai firman Tuhan (Allah). 

* Quran diturunkan kepada Nabi Muhammad sebagai kata terakhir dari Tuhan (Allah). 

* Menurut ajaran Agama Islam (Ajaran bahwa Allah diajarkan Muhammad melalui Quran dan bentuk-bentuk lain dari wahyu) bahwa perintah-perintah Tuhan (Allah) dalam Al-Qur'an menggantikan semua perintah sebelumnya yang terungkap dalam wahyu sebelumnya seperti Taurat dan Alkitab.

Pang Budito Monday, December 13, 2010
Obtaining an Online Education in Coaching

When looking to gain an education in coaching you can do so through numerous online schools and colleges. Accredited online training will help you obtain the education you need to have a successful career in this exciting field. Pursuing an education in coaching can be done at various levels of study from the comfort of your own home. You can select the specialized are you would like to pursue a career in, and complete all course requirements at your own leisure.
Accredited online career preparation will give you the skills to work with individuals and groups to train and guide them based on their needs and goals. Training is available to you at a number of educational levels, and can be completed entirely online.

Pang Budito
Marriott Harbour Circular Quay Hotel

Marriott Harbour Circular Quay Hotel. Sydney Hotel Accommodation. Situated in the heart of Sydneys CBD.

Featuring spectacular waterside views of the harbour, the Harbour Bridge and the Sydney Opera House, this contemporary hotel really is ideally situated.

The Marriot Sydney Harbour Circular Quay is situated within walking distance of the shopping delights of the Pitt Street Mall as well as the renowned Rocks entertainment and cultural precinct.

Also located close by are many of Sydneys premier beaches, Darling Harbour, Chinatown, the Sydney Cricket Ground as well as easy access to major transportation.

Combining an idyllic central location with luxury accommodation and an abundance of facilities including a swimming pool, gym, day spa and business centre, the Marriot Sydney Harbour Circular Quay is the perfect choice for any Sydney vacation.

 Central - 

Address: Marriott Harbour Circular Quay 30 Pitt Street , Sydney, NSW 2000

Pang Budito
Bamboo Handycrafts

Of the various types of crafts one of which is made from bamboo. Bamboo including types of plants are easily grown shrubs buak various soil conditions. Bamboo is known comes from China but there are also derived from local species. such as in Indonesia, various kinds of bamboo thrives almost in all regions. Types of bamboo that grow on the island of Java such as:

- These Bambu
- Bamboo Petung
- Bamboo Wulung

Pang Budito
Dental Health

Dental Health

kesehatan gigi adalah bagian dari kesehatan tubuh secara keseluruhan, karena dengan memiliki gigi yang sehat berarti proses metabilisme tubuh selain untuk meningkatkan penampilan Anda tidak terganggu. kesehatan gigi, termasuk tidak adanya rongga gigi dan membersihkan permukaan gigi putih.

Dengan memiliki  gigi putih dan bersih membuat  senyum menawan dan membuat seseorang terlihat lebih menarik. Penampilan gigi akan terganggu jika seseorang memiliki  kebiasaan minum kopi, teh atau cola, ini dapat meninggalkan noda pada gigi.
Berikut adalah  cara untuk memutihkan gigi Anda  dengan cara alami, yaitu dengan buah-buahan, di antara jenis buah-buahan yang dapat membuat gigi putih dan sehat;

Dental Health

Pang Budito
Indonesian Art Wood

Indonesian Art Wood

Business   for the Indonesian people is one of them made of wood craft, especially those living in tourism areas, usually a business that has been long in tekuni and is a hereditary business of the previous generation. The main consumers are the tourists making tours of local kedaerah.
Prominent tourist areas for business include wood crafts  in Central Java, North Sumatra, South Sulawesi, Irian Jaya and Nusa Tenggara.
The goods craft wood in great demand by foreign tourists visiting Indonesia. Wood craft products have already penetrated the export markets of the world , including toys, although the volume can not compete with the other mainstay commodities, both oil and non oil and gas sector.
Raw materials for  industrial  craft can be said to have almost no limits the type and size. In fact, waste wood can be utilized. In general, the types of products consist of wood craft art product (Most work hand / art), and mass products (most of the machining and art). The three types of items of art  are very varied forms and types with a relatively large amount.
Art of wood products is in the form of toy animals, flowers, fruits, fish-ikanan, home furnishings, accessories  and other types. In terms of function, differentiated into decorative art and functional art items as well as for household furniture.
In the field of innovation and creativity is needed is dynamic, because from time to time very fast-changing product design and also so as not to miss the world market trends
Wood for the material arts of this timber include timber sengon, jabon and teak. Sources of raw materials are very abundant from the local market. While the additional material used is usually composed of various types of  paint, dye, varnish, and polish.
Machinery and equipment used for making handicrafts such as wooden as follows:
1. Wood cutting machines and dryers.
2. Small band saw, saws and chisels.
3. Amplas, polish
4. Engine spray paint and a brush to color.

Indonesian Art Wood

Pang Budito
Japan and Vietnam as biggest competitors of Bali’s plait crafts

Japan and Vietnam as biggest competitors of Bali’s plait crafts

The plait handicrafts made in Bali get competitors from same product made in Japan and Vietnam. Both of the countries have better material quality if compared to same material from Bali. For instance, bamboo, up to these days Japan has many bamboo plants.

The Japanese bamboo has the nattier fiber and easy to plait, so that good for the material of plait handicrafts, the Director of Design Development Organization (DDO) Bali, I Made Raka Metra said recently.

According to him, up to these days Japan still the biggest competitors of plait handicraft made of bamboo and other materials. As well as Japan, Vietnam also as the competitor of plait handicrafts made in Bali. In Vietnam their government party support the craftsmen, so there the craftsmen able to produce many standard quality products.

“In produce some quality handicrafts, Vietnam’s craftsmen use technology. This make many foreign buyers very interested to purchase handicrafts made in Vietnam,” he said. “There is only one way to winning in this competition that is producing newly motifs and designs of handicraft.

The local designer and craftsmen is expected able to produce the newest design, because this early step to successful the marketing of the product. Therefore, let us competition to create the design with the high innovation,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Foreign Trade Division of Trade and Industrial Office (Disperindag) Bali, N.W. Kusumawathi said, in period of January to June 2007 the value of Bali’s plait handicraft exports increase until 10 percent. While up to these days, the product was export to 70 states in the world.

“In period January- June 2007, the export value of plait handicraft exports to Japan reached US$ 309,699.89. This value is the highest if compared to the exports value of other countries, like Italy only US$ 177,148.16, USA US$172,296.77, German US$ 142,370.85, Finland US$ 119,862.42, Spain US$ 109,743.25, and Australia US$ 103,627.81,” she explained.

Japan and Vietnam as biggest competitors of Bali’s plait crafts

Pang Budito Friday, December 10, 2010

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Tortured For Chikungunya

The last few years chikungunya disease outbreak in different regions Indonesia, both urban and rural areas. Society has begun to recognize this disease especially for those who follow health information and through various media. But for rural communities still difficult to access information from the news media sometimes cause disease fear.
The role of government at the very bottom is necessary for the socialization
about the type of the disease. Addressing the situation of rural communities families who are affected by symptoms or have been hit by chikungunya disease with the attitude of confusion and some even consider non-medical diseasethis is because they have never seen someone affected by circumstanceschikungunya disease earlier.

Chikungunya is caused by the chikungunya virus: the group alphaviruses Viru
Group A / antropho borne viruses. Different with dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) which
caused by group B antropho borne viruses. Between Dengue and Chikungunya both
the same is caused by the bite of Aedes mosquitoes and the incubation period orAegypty
development of virus for 1-12 days but that often occurs 2-4 days.

Symptoms that can be seen such as fever, joint pain, muscle pain, spotting
redness, headache, seizures, enlarged lymph nodes section
neck. Treatment that is definitely not yet been found, the main step is
bring patients to health workers (community health center / hospital).

But chikungunya have been isolated in various regions of Indonesia.
A very effective step for prevention is to clean each
mosquito breeding environment of residence such as homes, schools, places
worship, public places / terminals, markets. From these places the causes and
growing spread of chikungunya.

(pang budito - from various sources)

Global Warming’s Subtle Changes

Global warming may not have much effect on those in the U.S. Midwest, but others may find it very difficult to “Just adjust”.

These are not great pictures, but I was not planning to write an article when I took them the day before Thanksgiving this year. But, they have a message. One shows our redbud tree that budded into green leaves as if it were Spring after going dormant for the year. The pear tree still had pears and green leaves not yet bitten by frost. They reminded me of my family’s Thanksgiving photo taken in front of my dad’s apple tree in1998. We were all in shirtsleeves and the apple tree still had green leaves, as it had not yet frosted that year. My father, then 88, said that never in his memory had a frost been so late. It turned out that 1998 was one of the hottest years on record but this year may set a new record. It is interesting that two of the latest frosts in our area in almost a century have occurred after Thanksgiving – and in the past 12 years.
Other subtle changes have taken place in my lifetime. We used to be in gardening zone six but we are now in zone seven. That means we are now having warmer winters, later frosts, and earlier warm-ups in the spring. Several times our fruit trees bloomed during a false spring in February only to have the blossoms nipped by a later freeze. We have a longer growing season which sounds good. That also means a longer season for insects and pests and they have shown up in greater abundance. Our gardening is a hobby so it is not a serious matter if we lose a crop to early freezes or pests. We recently have had record rainfall in the spring and three years ago the ground was wet for so long it drowned some of our fruit trees. But, we are now experiencing dryer weather in late summer and early fall – and the redbud tree in the picture had its leaves turn brown by September from dry weather. Scientists cannot predict the weather but only that the warming Earth will cause weather to become more extreme – and we seem to be observing that.

The signs of a warming Earth are sometimes subtle and it is rather hard to tell if that is the cause of changes we see. Biologists are telling us that some species are extending their range to the North. We now have fire ants and armadillos which were not around when I was growing up. I recently found some Kudzu growing over at the lake and some along a fence near my house. Kudzu is an invasive plant that chokes out other vegetation and kills trees; it thrives in higher CO2 levels and warmer temperatures. I certainly hope it doesn’t get started here. And sadly, the quail which were plentiful during my childhood have disappeared from the hills and fields in this area. Some say foraging armadillos are responsible by destroying their nests, but no one really knows for sure. I’m not sure the quail’s disappearance had anything to do with global warming but they have come to symbolize for me that subtle changes are taking place. It’s sad that good things may change and my grandchildren may never be aware of the things that are gone.
There is sound scientific evidence that the Earth is warming and those who long denied the evidence have now shifted their message, saying we should “just adjust”. I’m not sure what that means, but those of us who live in the Midwestern United States will probably be able to do so. It may be more difficult for other people in the world. The people of Kashmir are concerned that the glaciers that feed their streams in the summer are receding – making less water available. The Sherpa of Tibet are worried that their villages may be flooded by lakes that now form each summer from melting glaciers . The lakes are held back by ice dams and, if a dam breaks, it will be a catastrophe for their villages. The Inuit in the Arctic are having to move their coastal villages to keep them from being eroded away by wave action of open seas which were year round ice before. Their inland villages are threatened as well as the permafrost upon which some were built now becomes a quagmire in the summer. Telling the people whose lives will be changed forever by global warming to “just adjust” seems a little hollow.
(C) 2010 J.C. moore

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

How to Make a Life in Harmony

In the side of our lives consist of many parts. One part is in ourselves, while other parts are in the environment we are. Both sides can not be separated from each other, because if it is done will create imbalance in our lives.

One side in us there are so many elements, including elements of solids and liquids.The element of solid objects can be composed of the consumption of foods that are solid like bread, rice, and the like. While that set ourselves from the liquid element consists of beverages we drink. And of the two elements that will form another element in our body that is the nature of heat and gas. This is when we telisik of the physical side.

Monday, December 13, 2010

What is Quran (koran)? Facts About Quran

Apa Quran - Fakta tentang Quran

* Quran dieja sebagai Al-Qur'an, Al Quran dan umumnya sebagai Quran.

* Quran adalah Kitab Suci yang mulia dan agama Islam.

* Muslim percaya pada Quran sebagai firman Tuhan (Allah). 

* Quran diturunkan kepada Nabi Muhammad sebagai kata terakhir dari Tuhan (Allah). 

* Menurut ajaran Agama Islam (Ajaran bahwa Allah diajarkan Muhammad melalui Quran dan bentuk-bentuk lain dari wahyu) bahwa perintah-perintah Tuhan (Allah) dalam Al-Qur'an menggantikan semua perintah sebelumnya yang terungkap dalam wahyu sebelumnya seperti Taurat dan Alkitab.

Obtaining an Online Education in Coaching

When looking to gain an education in coaching you can do so through numerous online schools and colleges. Accredited online training will help you obtain the education you need to have a successful career in this exciting field. Pursuing an education in coaching can be done at various levels of study from the comfort of your own home. You can select the specialized are you would like to pursue a career in, and complete all course requirements at your own leisure.
Accredited online career preparation will give you the skills to work with individuals and groups to train and guide them based on their needs and goals. Training is available to you at a number of educational levels, and can be completed entirely online.

Marriott Harbour Circular Quay Hotel

Marriott Harbour Circular Quay Hotel. Sydney Hotel Accommodation. Situated in the heart of Sydneys CBD.

Featuring spectacular waterside views of the harbour, the Harbour Bridge and the Sydney Opera House, this contemporary hotel really is ideally situated.

The Marriot Sydney Harbour Circular Quay is situated within walking distance of the shopping delights of the Pitt Street Mall as well as the renowned Rocks entertainment and cultural precinct.

Also located close by are many of Sydneys premier beaches, Darling Harbour, Chinatown, the Sydney Cricket Ground as well as easy access to major transportation.

Combining an idyllic central location with luxury accommodation and an abundance of facilities including a swimming pool, gym, day spa and business centre, the Marriot Sydney Harbour Circular Quay is the perfect choice for any Sydney vacation.

 Central - 

Address: Marriott Harbour Circular Quay 30 Pitt Street , Sydney, NSW 2000

Bamboo Handycrafts

Of the various types of crafts one of which is made from bamboo. Bamboo including types of plants are easily grown shrubs buak various soil conditions. Bamboo is known comes from China but there are also derived from local species. such as in Indonesia, various kinds of bamboo thrives almost in all regions. Types of bamboo that grow on the island of Java such as:

- These Bambu
- Bamboo Petung
- Bamboo Wulung

Dental Health

kesehatan gigi adalah bagian dari kesehatan tubuh secara keseluruhan, karena dengan memiliki gigi yang sehat berarti proses metabilisme tubuh selain untuk meningkatkan penampilan Anda tidak terganggu. kesehatan gigi, termasuk tidak adanya rongga gigi dan membersihkan permukaan gigi putih.

Dengan memiliki  gigi putih dan bersih membuat  senyum menawan dan membuat seseorang terlihat lebih menarik. Penampilan gigi akan terganggu jika seseorang memiliki  kebiasaan minum kopi, teh atau cola, ini dapat meninggalkan noda pada gigi.
Berikut adalah  cara untuk memutihkan gigi Anda  dengan cara alami, yaitu dengan buah-buahan, di antara jenis buah-buahan yang dapat membuat gigi putih dan sehat;

Indonesian Art Wood

Business   for the Indonesian people is one of them made of wood craft, especially those living in tourism areas, usually a business that has been long in tekuni and is a hereditary business of the previous generation. The main consumers are the tourists making tours of local kedaerah.
Prominent tourist areas for business include wood crafts  in Central Java, North Sumatra, South Sulawesi, Irian Jaya and Nusa Tenggara.
The goods craft wood in great demand by foreign tourists visiting Indonesia. Wood craft products have already penetrated the export markets of the world , including toys, although the volume can not compete with the other mainstay commodities, both oil and non oil and gas sector.
Raw materials for  industrial  craft can be said to have almost no limits the type and size. In fact, waste wood can be utilized. In general, the types of products consist of wood craft art product (Most work hand / art), and mass products (most of the machining and art). The three types of items of art  are very varied forms and types with a relatively large amount.
Art of wood products is in the form of toy animals, flowers, fruits, fish-ikanan, home furnishings, accessories  and other types. In terms of function, differentiated into decorative art and functional art items as well as for household furniture.
In the field of innovation and creativity is needed is dynamic, because from time to time very fast-changing product design and also so as not to miss the world market trends
Wood for the material arts of this timber include timber sengon, jabon and teak. Sources of raw materials are very abundant from the local market. While the additional material used is usually composed of various types of  paint, dye, varnish, and polish.
Machinery and equipment used for making handicrafts such as wooden as follows:
1. Wood cutting machines and dryers.
2. Small band saw, saws and chisels.
3. Amplas, polish
4. Engine spray paint and a brush to color.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Japan and Vietnam as biggest competitors of Bali’s plait crafts

The plait handicrafts made in Bali get competitors from same product made in Japan and Vietnam. Both of the countries have better material quality if compared to same material from Bali. For instance, bamboo, up to these days Japan has many bamboo plants.

The Japanese bamboo has the nattier fiber and easy to plait, so that good for the material of plait handicrafts, the Director of Design Development Organization (DDO) Bali, I Made Raka Metra said recently.

According to him, up to these days Japan still the biggest competitors of plait handicraft made of bamboo and other materials. As well as Japan, Vietnam also as the competitor of plait handicrafts made in Bali. In Vietnam their government party support the craftsmen, so there the craftsmen able to produce many standard quality products.

“In produce some quality handicrafts, Vietnam’s craftsmen use technology. This make many foreign buyers very interested to purchase handicrafts made in Vietnam,” he said. “There is only one way to winning in this competition that is producing newly motifs and designs of handicraft.

The local designer and craftsmen is expected able to produce the newest design, because this early step to successful the marketing of the product. Therefore, let us competition to create the design with the high innovation,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Foreign Trade Division of Trade and Industrial Office (Disperindag) Bali, N.W. Kusumawathi said, in period of January to June 2007 the value of Bali’s plait handicraft exports increase until 10 percent. While up to these days, the product was export to 70 states in the world.

“In period January- June 2007, the export value of plait handicraft exports to Japan reached US$ 309,699.89. This value is the highest if compared to the exports value of other countries, like Italy only US$ 177,148.16, USA US$172,296.77, German US$ 142,370.85, Finland US$ 119,862.42, Spain US$ 109,743.25, and Australia US$ 103,627.81,” she explained.